
Start journey of Website and look up mistakes&--Pipe and Joint system/szyms22@szyms.com-Alibaba Trade Forums

Start journey of Website and look up mistakes&--Pipe and Joint system/szyms22@szyms.com-Alibaba Trade Forums

Pipe and Joint system
Spring in China is coming soon,many enterprises will be in holiday soon,while are there anyboday found there are some mistakes in our website,Chinglish are full of our website which is representative of our enterprises ,even our www.szyms.com .should it not be our work to sort it out well? After read some scamer,what we should do better to enable our clients and customers trust us? So even we spent long time checking with it…How about yours?
May all of friends would be have a nice holiday with family after come back through 12306.cn.
Best Regards,

Shenzhen Yongliansheng Hardware&Plastic Products Co.,ltd
 Factory:B&C Building,Tianjia Industrial Park,No.65 Dongfang Road Songgang Avenue,Bao'an District,Shenzhen,Guangdong,China  518105

Tel:+86-755-29410055 ext 233
Email: szyms22@szyms.com 2640616123@qq.com
Web: www.szyms.com

QQ: 2640616123
MSN: cnszylsmf@hotmail.com
Yahoo messager:cnszylsmf@yahoo.cn
Youtube/Facebook/Twitter/SKYPE: cnszylsmf
Alibaba Trademanager:cn1000932062

